The Rev. Dr. Cole Hartin

A bit about me:

My name is Cole. I live with my wife and four sons amidst the pleasant rolling hills of East Texas. We moved here in January 2023 from Canada's East coast.

I spend most of my time at Christ Church Episcopal in Tyler, Texas where I serve as an associate rector.

I have a PhD in theological studies from Wycliffe College and the University of Toronto and am a fellow at the Center for Pastor Theologians. From time to time I teach theology and church history.

I love to write, and this site is meant to be a gathering place for the various works I have on the go. Roughly speaking, these fall into three categories: Academic writing, essays and commentary, and literary writing.

I have few perennial academic interests that include the theological interpretation of Scripture, the history of (especially nineteenth-century) Anglicanism, and the doctrine of providence. Most of my work connects with at least one of these themes.

My essays and commentaries reflect my broad interests. These range from recent book reviews, to opinion journalism, to pastoral theology written for a popular audience.

And finally, my literary writing includes poetry and creative nonfiction.

You can find more information on each of these subjects under the "writing" tab above.