Two New Reviews
González on early church interpretation and Hart on tradition.
A couple of new book reviews came out this week that I wanted to share.
I love doing book reviews. I know they don't count for much when it comes to the academic machine, but I love having the opportunity to read and reflect on new texts. And this is one of the blessings of being a pastor-theologian rather than a professor. Nobody really cares what I write about or if I write about anything at all. I am able let my mind wander a little bit, and this is a gift.
Here's what's new, then:
Justo González has a new book that covers early Christian biblical interpretation. He gets to the goods without being a bore. You can read my review over at the CPT blog or you can wait until its out in the next issue of the Bulletin of Ecclesial Theology.
And then there is a review of the notorious David Bentley Hart's new book Tradition and Apocalypse over on the Covenant blog. Hart is polarizing, but my take is that he is not as far out in left field as his critics usual make out. But neither is he a demi-god. He has some important words for the Church, but he needs to work on his tone.